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What We Can Do.

“Don’t give in to your fears. If you do,
you won’t be able to talk to your heart.”
~ Paulo Coelho. “The Alchemist.”

There is a widely held belief that the elderly are rigid, inflexible and incapable of change. But, aren’t there some people who will always have difficulty and feeling uncomfortable adapting to change, regardless of their age? I reckon, every stage of life presents its rewarding challenges and difficult adjustments. Say, adolescence, marriage, mid-life crisis and retirement are all important and stressful events.

The truth is, we create too many difficult situations for ourselves, internally. Say, fear is one of the many enemies lurking inside us. Fear can destroy ambitions, relationships, fortunes and if left unchecked can destroy our lives. Arrogance is another. It brings a desire for respect and regard from others. And when we don’t receive it, we feel unhappy and at times angry because we feel disrespected …… But, if we shift our focus of attention, giving  from the heart and don’t have arrogance, we won’t have such negative feelings in the first place.


Today, we are living in a time when change is happening everywhere …… turbulently and rapidly. Don’t stop living and learning. There’s always one hill higher – with a better view, so to speak. Go on growing up. If we believe that the power of Jesus can heal the sick, we are going to believe it even if one hundred studies say otherwise. And if we think prayer does nothing more than offer comfort, we are going to continue to believe that. Such is the resilience of faith. Belief gives us strength and reminds us that we are not alone in hard times. And last but not least, belief sets our moral compass, encourages us to help and gives us peace and hope – that can relieve stress, prevent depression and keep us optimistic.

Neil Armstrong once said, “You only have to solve two problems when going to the moon: First, how to get there and second, how to get back. The key is don’t leave until you have solved both problems. We don’t fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few error in judgement, repeated every day. Involvement with other people is important to the maintenance of our mental health as we grow. While withdrawal from society, negative self-talk and introspection could possibly lead to loneliness and isolation.

While some people keep blaming “age” for their problems there are also those who  keep asking; “How do we find meaning in our lives?” You see, if we are searching for meaning we aren’t fully living. We may be existing but not mindful and aware of what is right here, right now. But, if we shift our focus of attention to living our lives in the moment and appreciate the moment, we live a wholesome life.

Warmest Wishes and Best Regards to each and every one of you. !!!


  1. bwebbjr says:

    Reading,learning and writing/aka blogging are passions that gives life as we age. And I have found that faith overcomes fear and provides even more enlightenment ….

    Thanks for the reminders Michael – have a blessed day my friend!


  2. IngaHel says:

    We fear not what is but only what we think is, and what we think is always rooted in our memories of what once was. Fear is therefor old memories, nothing more and there is no reason to fear the old memories.

  3. Das Foto ist gut.
    Gruss, Wolfgang

  4. Justine says:

    Neil Armstrong’s words as quoted by you touches my heart. Thank you.

  5. Very meaningful Michael, and true from my experiences also. Have to add that I love the flowers on your site. Vibrant and cheerful energy that touches the soul!

  6. Colline says:

    Wise words. If we remain constant within ourselves, we can adapt to the ever-changing around us. I know that if I am sure of myself in my heart, I can take the changes with more equanimity than if I am unsure of my own actions and beliefs.

  7. oceannah says:

    Well said Michael. Fear is the opposite of love.

  8. sakuraandme says:

    Michael that was such a beautiful wise post! I needed to hear these things….Hugs Paula xx

  9. Very insightful post Michael. I took care of my mama the last ten years, and I learned, in part the reason the elderly become cranky is constant pain,
    loneliness, and as mama put it “I was the center of my world, and now people act as if I’ve done something wrong by being old.” I once told her I
    would stop hanging out with her if she didn’t stop being so cranky and mean – guess what – she didn’t realize she had been and she said OKAY. It
    was great to laugh again with her.

  10. Thank you for reminding of the need to live in the moment. BTW, love the P. Coehlo quote, the Alchemist is one of my favorite books. Many Hugs-Sheri

  11. Very beautiful. Your words hold such truth. My wish is that more people start believing what is truly posible by looking at the very moment that they are in. Live instead of wait for tomorrow.

    Thanks again, I enjoy your blog. 🙂

    Clairvoyant Girl

  12. Sometimes what the/we old-timers need is instruction in the “new” ways of the world.. Computers for example, may be incomprehensible to those who have never been behind the keyboard. I would think that a good volunteer program might be computer basics for seniors at the local senior center… Most libraries now have computers available to the public also..

    • Michael says:

      Very good idea Jack. Over here, I have been discussing this topic with old-timers that I meet. They are very keen and envy what the present generation is enjoying. The limitation – they do not understand English. Your idea sounds feasible Jack. Thanks and regards !!!

      • The good part Michael, as you know with computers you can choose which language you wish to use..

        • Michael says:

          I agree Jack. Sometimes old-timers are not aware of this. But many have a wish to surf and know more especially with the availability of smartphones and tablets. Others expressed their frustration due to language constraints. Your idea have given me a new direction Jack. See you 😊👍

  13. Desiray says:

    Fear is something that robs trillions of people everyday in some area of our lives. That is why Jesus said “I did not give you the spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind. Fear comes from the enemy and he will do what ever he can to get us to fear. That is why we must remember that love cast out all fear.

  14. Yahobahne says:

    I stand convicted in some of the areas mentioned here. Nonetheless, I appreciate your candidness. Thank you for sharing this narrative. Great job!!

  15. thoughtsfromanamericanwoman says:

    Very wise words to live by!

  16. Just another great post, very beautiful words, I´ve just learned how to control my fear by living the present, to make the best of today, I´m going through a bad divorce and I´ve learned a lot lately and as I already sad, your posts make me happy! Thank you Michael, have a great weekend!

  17. Not moving on is always worse than slowly moving forward.

  18. I agree, thanks for reminding us Michael, this is very insightful post… happy weekend…

  19. Justine says:

    Michael, I thought you will find chagrin of my peculiar insights. When you said, ‘share your insights Justine’, I felt you might leave me alone. But you prove that you are not a radicalist but one who can be tolerant of others views if they are for the Peace, Happiness and Freedom for Humanity, by liking my post. Once again you have proved yourself a humanitarian and not a religious fundamentalist. Can you imagine how much energy you pour forth towards all? Long live friend. My eyes go wet.

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