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Just Focus On Being You.

Work like you don’t need the money.
Love like you’ve never been hurt.
Dance like nobody’s watching.
~ Satchel Paige.

It is more blessed to give than to receive. Giving is active while receiving is passive and an end to itself. Giving first to others is ultimately one of the best gift we can give to ourselves. It produces, creates and generates. And, for those who give to others, they are setting in motion a cycle of blessings that often includes feelings of joy, satisfaction, happiness, fulfillment and a sense of purpose.

Like some people, in my way of handling life, I often work to control situations. I mean, I tried denying feeling pain when I was hurting inside, exhibiting control by appearing more composed than I really felt and keeping silent to avoid conflict with anyone. You see, by controlling I worked to protect and disallow myself and others the full experience of reality. “Why control?” you may ask. Simply to avoid the stress and anxiety of taking more than we can manage.

Apparently, it isn’t about controlling what we feel. Instead, it should be about feeling what we feel and sharing what we feel. A good thought can possibly change our day. When our interactions are full of vibrancy, people are touched by our vibrations.  Thus, just the joy of being alive and in good company flows through my veins. I can live wholeheartedly and this is happiness to me.

Happiness is an original quality of the soul. It is a treasure and a service itself. Happiness can be smiling and acknowledging the people on our path. To remain happy we have to stay positive. But no matter how big our defense shield is, we are all woundable. Invincibility is for superheroes and even then they have an Achilles heel. No one stay on top at the totem pole forever. Success always lies in the finishing and not the dreaming or the starting.

I reckon there is a need for us to take a firm stand to know how our values matter. Indeed, this could be uneasy and difficult for us to step out of our comfort zone or being emotionally daring. But, don’t you think it will be a great disservice to our integrity to hold back when something deeply matters to us? …… I believe it is far worse to regret not acting on a cherished principle than to do what we know is right in the moment and suffers other’s disapproval.

Wherever you are, if I may suggest, for the rest of this week, try not to count the hours while at work ………. Love like you have never been hurt before. And just focus on living and being you !!!


  1. nice blog! thanks for stopping by plucky umbrella, mary

  2. Visionkeeper says:

    To truly be centered and balanced in our lives we need to master the ability to embrace not only our good sides, we must also embrace our dark sides. Both make up who we are and we must learn to love both about ourselves. Both are who we are, to run from our darkness is to abandon ourselves and see ourselves as flawed. Nothing could be further from the truth. People work life times trying to better themselves by eliminating the darkness within, when in fact they should be learning how to accept it and embrace it for that is who we are. VK

  3. Yep! Cnfrontation is a requirement to settle something.. Bless u! :))

  4. Ninay says:

    Thanks for the insightful advice;Love like you have never been hurt before. Hmm, that is courageous. Courageous enough to feel what it feels being alive , loving and hurting.

    • Michael says:

      Hi Ninay, Happy Evening. Have the courage to make things happen. I mean those that are worthwhile and can take you higher !!!

  5. Chatter Master says:

    I love the first quote.

    And then you wrote “don’t you think it will be a great disservice to our integrity to hold back when something deeply matters to us? …”

    Yes, I believe that.

    Happy day to you Michael!

  6. Marty says:

    Very nice, let go just be here!

  7. monarnica says:

    Nice blog! Enjoyed the read. I’ve just started my very first blog a few days ago. It’s mainly on food, thoughts, life etc. I’m a bit of a novice but hope to expand it. Pop by any time and let me know your thoughts on anything! http://www.foodwithliving.wordpress.com

  8. April says:

    Great advice/good thoughts to start the day with.

  9. aradheritage says:

    Exquisite thoughts you shared us, Michael

    • Michael says:

      Thanks for visiting and sharing your insight with us. You have a great day ahead and keep doing the good work, my friend. Regards !!!

  10. “Apparently, it isn’t about controlling what we feel. Instead, it should be about feeling what we feel” – YES. Glad you ‘got it!’

  11. Betty R. says:

    Beautiful blog! 🙂

  12. bibuji says:

    Yeah, I recently come to an idea that opening my heart to Jesus would start from opening my heart to myself, accepting everything about myself, not being ashamed or disappointed. Have a good friday!

  13. khurshidetasawwuf says:

    The first thought is inspirational

  14. amaeguerrero says:

    thanks for visiting my blog! i like you post. I’m used to deny my real feelings too just to avoid hurting others. but at the end of the day, just enjoy your life. Live to the fullest 😀 God bless

  15. Coach Sue says:

    Ah the illusion of control….we think we have it. NOT! It just provides resistance to what we really need.
    Receiving is just as important as giving. They can both be actions. If you receive without true authenticity (see my blog this week), then the feeling of giving is lost. When you receive authentically you actually are giving back to the giver.

    Sue Bock

  16. “Happiness is an original quality of the soul. ” I love that!

  17. WhirlingPoet says:

    I can’t stop reading it the THIRD! time now,

    great great and great,no word’s heartily…
    Please write on self respect,self thinking,some thing to inspire that i can do anything i want,please.


  18. Justine says:

    This article sets in motion a cycle of blessings! Thank you, Michael.

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