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“When the unthinkable happens, the lighthouse is Hope. Once we choose hope, everything is possible.” ~ Christopher Reeve.

Indeed, choosing to be hopeful when it feels as if everything is going against us is certainly not easy. But, it is possible. In the Bible, “Hope” is neither static nor a passive thing. Hope is dynamic, active, directive and life sustaining. With hope, it can change the way we see ourselves, change what we value and affects what we do with our lives.

In Wikipedia, “Hope” is defined as the emotional state, the opposite in which is despair, which promotes the belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one’s life. It is the “feeling that is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.”

Try visualizing a compelling future for yourself, so that you can look ahead in anticipation rather than in trepidation. Where do you want to be in, say, a year’s time?  You see, by knowing what you want to happen, hoping that it will happen and doing what you can to make it happen will maximize the chances of success.

I know, sometimes we can feel life like an emotional land mine. Our fear just shuts us down. Sometimes completely. Consequently, our actions becomes rigid and predictable ………… Be mindful, not to let the past take control of you. You could be easily doomed if you by follow the trends of your past. Hope is always linked with optimism. Your life is only here in this moment.

If we choose the easy way by taking shelter from life, we could risk numbing ourselves, deadening our hearts and minds. I mean can we allow obstacles, our past and challenges to permanently disable us? My point is, if you continue spending your life clinging to what is comfortable and secure you may one day regret not testing your talents against the world. 

Time flies, the weekend is here again. I have chosen to make this weekend meaningful, what about you?


  1. Chatter Master says:

    I know of people who “take shelter from life” and who allow their past to permanently disable them. And it breaks my heart. It is very difficult to watch. It is very difficult to not be able to help.

    • Michael says:

      I can relate to your predicament. Be patient. The time will come. Stay optimistic !!!

    • My best friend got the courage up to say those exact words to me when I struggled to drag myself out of a very troubling and traumatic time—But it was her words, just like the ones you used above…that began to shake me out of it. We can only stand by our disabled friends for so long. It’s exhausting and they need to know that truth.

  2. Visionkeeper says:

    A life without risks is not life at all….Staying safe is a prison and lessens your interaction with life considerably. You can stay safe and die safe but in doing so you will have lived only one eighth of what life had to offer….Go for it! VK

  3. Colline says:

    There are times when we lose sight of hope. But one needs to turn to those who encourage you through your time of bleakness towards your vision of hope.

  4. Desiray says:

    When people have no hope they don’t see the reason for life or to move on. In the course of our days we pass people all the time and if we took the time out to look at their faces you can see if hope is in their eyes or if hope is gone…People need hope..

  5. Bonnie says:

    I needed to read this post this morning – excellently written.

  6. I love that in Spanish the verb “esperar” means both “to hope” and “to wait.” They do seem to be intertwined.

  7. orples says:

    I love your intro on this piece. Christopher Reeve … what a gift to mankind. I usually don’t ooh and aah over celebrities, but in Mr. Reeve’s case, he was so much more. He took his celebrity status and his tradegy and used both to try to help mankind. He is a true hero in his own right, and truely an inspiration to those of us that sometimes find ourselves on the pitty pot for trival reasons. Your whole post is so inspirational and motovational, it is a joy to read. Nice share, Michael. 🙂

  8. flyoverhere says:

    Hope, like happiness is a state of mind and only we can change our minds from despair to hope. That becomes easier when we are closer to our Maker….

  9. terry1954 says:

    thank you. i felt like you were helping and talking to me

  10. terry1954 says:

    i actually am feeling better. so many people saw justification in my feelings, that i have to believe this is a natural feeling under the conditions that i live. i needed to hear these comments. thank you Michael.

  11. preety92 says:

    There was once, i was really making my past as an excuse to move forward in life. Lucily, a guy came into my life, and brought me out from it. Even though i am out of it now, but some words here and there always do help me to get out of it better. And this piece.. it really motivated me a lot. Thank you! 🙂

    • Michael says:

      Appreciate you sharing your experience here. Happy weekend and my apology for the delay in responding to your comment.

  12. preety92 says:


  13. Hope operates on such a wide continuum. It can serve is in minor ways, like, “I hope it doesn’t rain today.” Can serve us in major ways too like, “I hope she beats cancer and continues to watch her family grow.” I love how hope is something we can use for ourselves, but it is also something we can give to others. Giving one hope, is a wonderful feeling.

  14. evea192 says:

    Hope concurs all, without hope, we are lost.

  15. I am nominating you for the “one lovely blog award” no blog deserves this more than yours. so inspirational. i wish i could just live on here. thank you for all the positive messages! you can see the details on my website! ~unwritten truth

  16. bibuji says:

    Hope..what a wonderful word for my new start. Thank you, Michael, to give a comment for my latest sad blog. I was unable to encourage myself to answer you at that time…now I’m back and start again.

    • Michael says:

      Hi Bibuji, So happy to have you back again. Hope everything is getting better again. After the cold season, green shoots are sprouting again – “Hope” is growing !!! Regards.

  17. bibuji says:

    Thank you for having laid seeds of hope in my heart. Yes, they have indeed shot and growing up.

  18. Michael, as you know from some of my recent ramblings, I have committed myself to discovering the bright side of the rainbow; to be positive and damn the torpedoes – full speed ahead into happiness! It’s working quite well, actually. I think I never felt deserving of it when so many in the world lack even the most basic of fundamental necessities – and that empathy often dragged me into some pretty deep ruts. But I don’t think it does the world any good for us to keep ourselves down – when we elevate ourselves, we set the example to others that happiness is achievable – a fact that is validated, again and again, by the look on another’s face every time we demonstrate joy.
    Thanks for another great post.

    • Michael says:

      Hi Bela, Many thanks for sharing your insight with us. I am certain my visitors will benefit from it as well. Trust you are in the best of health and take care !!!

  19. katyarich says:

    Thank you Michael for such nice words, hope is all we need to be happy! and these words is all I needed Today, 🙂

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