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In A Lighter Vein.

“Success is living up to your potential. That’s all. Wake up with a smile and go after life ………. Live it, enjoy it, taste it, smell it, feel it.” ~ Joe Knapp.

Happy Morning everyone,

One of life’s great blessings is our ability to “pause” and think.

You see, a pause to think can lead to conclusion, “This is bad” or “This is better.” Both conclusions, either to avoid a negative path or to follow a more positive one, create the potential for future success and less future suffering.

I believe we are wise enough to recognize that it takes only a few moments to weigh the potential consequences of a decision or to map out a plan that will bring increased effectiveness, efficiency or quality.

So don’t let anyone place your happiness in jeopardy by rushing you to a decision before you are ready. Pause for the sake of your own happiness. Take your time. Trust your instincts ………. You will have the answer precisely when you need it.

Have a great week ahead !!!


  1. Jane Thorne says:

    A sense of purpose and timing …. good post Michael, have a great week x

  2. bobleckridge says:

    Great advice Michael. I travel by train to work every day, and for me the train journey is a natural kind I pause. I figured out a while back I can’t make the train go faster or slower. Once I’m on it, I’m on it till I get to my destination. So I use the journey as a time to pause and reflect. I wonder if any other “commuters” find their commute brings that opportunity?
    Happy Monday!

    • Michael says:

      Thanks for the share my friend. I trust your daily “pause” have contributed immensely ……… Happy Monday too !!!

  3. Bonnie says:

    Excellent advice, Michael. Hope your week is grand!!

  4. Carrie says:

    Thabk you – Michael!!

  5. “Take your time. Trust your instincts …” Indeed! Great advice, Michael. I am on a learning curve when it comes to listening to my inner guide. I believe we can mindfully pay attention to our own instincts, then put them into context and act accordingly. Have a wonderful, thoughtful; week ahead!

    • Michael says:

      Hey Shelly, Delighted to have you commenting. Stay excellent and warmest wishes for the week. Regards !!!

  6. Marty says:

    be easy with yourself and accept we are human. maybe it is more important after we make a decision to not,let the “What Ifs” assault us.

    be alright with your decision and move on. let it go and be present for the rest of life.

    Carrying the past is like dragging an anchor thought life with you.

  7. bibuji says:

    I will remember to smile when I wake up tomorrow.

  8. Ron says:

    I’m just a guy with a limerick reply…

    There once was a man with potential,
    He only did what was essential;
    He was rustic and crude,
    Sometimes he was rude,
    He lived his life really provincial.

    Compliments of Humorous Interludes

  9. very very very beautiful touch

  10. Really nice! Great way to start a Monday! Have a great week!

  11. Tony Caselli says:

    Great post, Michael – thanks for a great piece to ponder over the week!

  12. Great Post Michael. That sandwich looks delish by the way 😀
    Sherline 😉

    • Michael says:

      Thanks Sherline. The sandwiches were certainly yummy. Trust you are doing fine and May God Bless You !!!

  13. Kourtney Heintz says:

    I’ve been trying to pause more and think about things. I think it’s important to go with your gut and trust yourself above all else. 🙂

    • Michael says:

      I agree with you. We cannot disregard out “gut” feelings at times Kourtney. Stay excellent and be a mover !!!

  14. evea192 says:

    “Pause” Yip, if one just do it more often. Then unnecessary mistakes wont happen.

  15. I love this Michael. The space between a stimulus and our response to it is the key to help us not be controlled by the world around us. I once heard that we have 10 seconds to decide what to do with a thought when it hits our brain. If we embrace it, it sticks with us and influences us. If we reject it, it’s gone. Pause. Love it!

  16. Wayne Augden says:

    Thank you Michael. Another thought provoking post.

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