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Happy New Year !!!

First and foremost, a “Happy New Year” to each and every one of you ……


Despite the earlier fears of another global recession and economic slowdown, we are glad to ride through those waves of uncertainty without much hindrance.

Perhaps there may be some of us who are still recovering from the merrymaking of Christmas. The New Year is just around the corner and is waiting for us. In a matter of hours, we will bid adieu to a year filled with happy and sad moments, good and bad experiences and memories that have affected us in one way or another.

As 2013 dawns upon us, let us celebrate …… past, present and future successes and the realization of our all our aspirations.

Wishing you a Happy New Year and May God bless us all. !!!


Revisiting: My Take – Can Money Buy Love?

First and foremost, I believe there is no simple answer to this tricky question …… So as to which side is right, that depends on what kind of love one is looking for. Say if you are looking for love from a soul mate, then it is highly unlikely that it can be bought with money.

On the other hand, money does increase one’s chance of love. Money can help generate love. I mean generating the circumstances that are favorable for love as well as inducing the loving feeling in us. Money can improve our bargaining position and our attraction factor – the pull factor.

While love decreases the need for money is especially true when one is so deeply in love initially. At that moment, money can be of less significance. However, one will get to realize with the lack of money for his or her basic needs, their love could also be at risk. Thus, a lot more have to be addressed, put in place and properly synchronized before love can be considered as meaningful.

I believe money can lead us to love because love is something that is hardly disconnected from reality. In this day and age, money can help us find love. But, be mindful what we can expect and cannot expect from it. More money can probably lead to more stress and is less effective in bringing us the kind of love we want.

Love without money is difficult – I dread to think about it. It could be equally stressful as well. Consider the following frequently expressed statements; “Oh, it’s so difficult to love you when you’re earning so much less than me.” Or, “So much less than my good friend’s husband” and so forth.

As I conclude this posting, I wish to quote  “Money will buy you a fine dog, but only love can make it wag its tail.” – Richard Friedman. Can money buy love? At least not the kind of love I cherish …… That kind of love is priceless. I believe we should give from our heart and not our pocket. We should give love to the people around us as it is in giving we receive. Yes even in this day and age, where we can mail order a wife or a husband, pick up our phone and rent-a-date …… and so the list of options goes.

Happy loving and happy living …… Have a fabulous weekend everyone !!!

Revisiting: Can Money Buy Love?

“Love without money is difficult” or “Money without love is useless?”

The past weekend was simply wonderful. Met up with some old friends at Starbucks and after a brief exchange of greetings, our get-together began to liven-up when Fred (who looked a little upset that afternoon) asked; “Hey, what do you fellows think, can money buy me love?”

You see, Fred is in his early 40s and is a civil engineer by training. Fred is a refined bachelor and have been going steady with a young lady for some time. However, in the recent months, we heard the fire of love in them has been less intense and cold. So when Fred raised that question, all of us were taken aback and dumbfounded.

Like me, all those present must have been thinking on their feet the same question. “How could I tactfully handle his question – without having to rub salt to his wound?” There was a long silence, then, Julie, a teacher, looked at us before turning towards Fred’s direction and confidently responded with a loud “Yes.”

She then paused before proceeding to say, “Money can buy love.” Now, all of us were stunned by her response. Our eyes were focused at her and our ears were waiting for more …… “Look, some businesses have proven that …… Their sales are always at the peak during Valentine’s Day” she continued.

“Oh …… what a brilliant and tactful answer to Fred’s tricky question,” I told myself. And from Fred’s body language, I  could read he was happy with what Julie had said and those words may have warmed his aching heart a little. Then, there was a grin of sadness from Fred’s macho-looking face. I sensed he could have some regret for not taken the initiative to rekindle his fire of love on Valentine’s Day.

By then, Nicholas, who have a chain of fine dining restaurants in town chipped in; “I agree. I agree with Julie. I had a big jump in reservations on Valentine’s Day.” Immediately his remark opened the floodgates. Mary smilingly told us her chocolates and gifts were completely sold-off on that afternoon. And Alan’s wife, Jessica, who owns a florist shop next door confirmed she too enjoyed brisk business on Valentine’s Day too.

Then, Frank threw in some jokes, got up and did his Beatles act; “I’ll buy you a diamond ring if it makes you feel alright. I’ll get you anything my friend it it makes you feels alright. Cause I don’t care to how much a money” and stopped right there. Fred and the rest of us were already smiling and having cheered-up our good friend, it was an opportune time for us to move into another topic.

Can money buy love?

That was the question I kept asking myself as I drove home after the get-together. 

Possible or simply not possible?

And is there any connection between money and love?

What is your take on this?

Warmest wishes and blessings to all of you.


Live Your Dreams.

Many people spend their lives standing on the sidelines of life saying, “I’m not ready yet. I need more time and more money. I have to put together my business plan first.” 

You see, many people are still waiting for the perfect time to get started on their dreams and, far too many of them are still standing on the sidelines when the clock runs out and their playing time is over. The sad truth; they fail to recognize that the perfect time is now. 

If you have an idea, a dream or something you want to do, listen to your heart and go for it. You can always start before you are ready. Keep your mind open and focused. The “how” will come. The resources will appear once your dream picks up momentum. But you have to have the passion for your dream because if you have passion for it, then no matter what happens, it’s worth it.  

Live your dreams. Take an acceptable risk and go for it. Things come to us when we make our move and are ready for it to happen. 

Enjoy the new week and God Bless.

Wordless Wednesday.

At the Gurney Paragon, Penang ……..

The Power Of Your Smile.

Keep smiling ……

Your smile is a very powerful weapon;
you can even break ice with it.

Each time you smile, have you notice that it is true, someone, somewhere smiles back at you? ………. And come to think of it, sometimes, nothing on earth seem to make life more comfortable than the warmth and sunshine of a beautiful smile.

Express more. Smile more. And, have a happy Wednesday !!!

Revisiting: “More Than Money, The World Needs ……”

First and foremost, I wish to thank all of you for the warm response, sharing your experiences and insights in my post, “More Than Money, The World Needs ……”

You see, we do not need any resources if we were to give from our hearts. ………. We just need to be rich inside.

Please do not misunderstand me, I mean all of us have got space inside us. Giving is an option of the heart. Be mindful, to have a good heart is one thing. But to give of it, to create something, is a much more powerful donation, I reckon.

Giving is an art. If we gratefully let something go every day, we are making space in our lives for new ideas and experiences. Remember, if we were to limit the love we give to just one or two, it will you halt eventually. But, if we learn to create love inside our hearts and silently give it to everyone we meet, love will gradually grace every corner of our lives.

…….. the greater we expand beyond the limits of our beliefs, the greater is our capacity to share ……..

A Moment With Sir Winston Churchill.

“Every day you make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to joy and glory to the climb.” ~ Winston Churchill.

Born in 1874, Sir Winston Churchill led Great Britain from the brink of defeat to victory as wartime prime minister. An intense patriot and a romantic believer in his country’s greatness, Sir Winston Churchill gave his people strong leadership and devotion that ultimately led to Britain’s millitary salvation. On politics, Sir Winston Churchill once said:

“Politics are almost as exciting as war,
and quite as dangerous.
In war you can only be killed once,
but in politics many times.”